Time to Separate?
It has been a long hard winter, especially with the pandemic. We are all stressed. But things may be nearing the end of the pandemic and spring is starting to pop out. I saw my first robin this week.
A Mediator Who Can Help
It continues to be a stressful time if your relationship is ending. I can help. I provide mediation services to couples who are splitting, whether you were married or not. If you have kids, I can help you work out a fair schedule and one that works for the kids. Soon, I will help you get prepared for court, without each of you needing to hire attorneys. Use my services and you can save you thousands of dollars. It can be easier than you think
How Can We Meet?
I can meet you on Zoom, or in person (there is still masking and distancing required). I have 15 years’ experience with mediating disputes for couples and their kids. As a result, I know a few things. How much detail do I need? Right away, at our first session, I can tell you how much detail for you to put in your divorce or separation agreement. That way, your agreement will work for you, and likely for the judge. And if you’re puzzled about how to divide property, I have several ways of breaking deadlocks over who gets what. I even worked out “parenting” and visitation schedules for pets. Don’t just have an “okay” agreement. Work out the best agreement, and you’ll be happier in the long run!
Seting up the Appointment
Call me at 507-269-9079 or 612-670-7980. Let’s talk about your situation for free over the phone and I can set up a time for the two of you to talk and work things out. When can we meet? I have weekend and evening times for you to meet. Short of money? Bickford Mediation offers a free initial consultation. Stressed? Hundreds of couple have used me through this process, and more easily than many folks figured it would be.
Got your agreement worked out and want someone to look it over? Then I can help you do that, too. I can often do it in a session or two.
Get started now so you can enjoy your summer! why drag it out? Get started today and the weight will be lifted off your shoulders.