Glen Bickford Quality Mediation
Our contact form is a great way to get a hold of us. It is quick and easy to fill out. Generally we contact you back within within 1 business day and often less than an hour. I can spend time with you over phone or via email about what is happening. We can set up a time to meet close to you so you can explain your situation. This can be the start of finally getting things going to settle your dispute. Mediation with Glen is cheaper than attorneys and with Glen's help you can make agreements you decide on, and the judge signs. When that happens, you understand the judge's order well, because you drafted it! Parties can meet together or in separate rooms, if needed. If your mediation is court ordered, please bring the order. Quality mediation can help you. The heart-wrenching and time consuming conflict can be over soon.
Your concerns are listened to and solutions are found. We make things easier. Why not give us a try? You can consult about your situation for free. There is little to lose and everything to gain. You can get your life back!
Find Glen on the MN State Supreme Court website Mediation Roster.
Glen Bickford Quality Mediation Contact Form is the first step toward resolution and peace.