Divorce Mediation with Kids
Handling divorce even without children is not easy, but having children involved makes it twice as difficult. Without children, courts are mainly concerned with division of assets. With children courts are interested in children’s welfare also: will each parent’s household have enough money to meet the needs of the children? Will each parent have the time and experience to parent children well. Will each parent have fair access to the children?
These are important questions to be answered in divorce mediation. But even more importantly, will the parents be able to raise their children without interference from the other parent and with mutual parental respect. A judge can decide what is best, but if the parents don’t agree, the children, and each parents will find life after divorce problematic.
The advantage of mediation over litigation is that it is possible to agree in mediation, but it’s harder when two attorneys face off against each other in court. In theory, each attorney often tries to show their client to be the better parent. But in practice, each attorney often tries to prove the other parent less competent. After mud-slinging on both sides, it is hard to co-parent respectfully and cooperatively.
In mediation you both decide what is best, and with a good mediator, you can do it respectfully and reach decisions that the course will endorse. After mediation, because it is your decisions which you follow, co=parenting will be much easier. Mediation is a win-win-win!