Congregational Analysis

Congregational Analysis

Does your congregation need congregational analysis? Does it seem to follow an unhealthy pattern? Has there been a series of short pastorates lately? Have problems that appear again and again? Have you found the reasons why? Rev. Glen Bickford can help.

Glen has helped more than a dozen congregations as interim to uncover and explore their histories. It is amazing what insights members can gain from exploring their history. One church had always thought of their congregation as “poor” and this hampered outreach. In their history there were many instances of how the church board had to post bills and members would take them home and pay them. When they were asked how recently the last time that had happened, they realized this had not occurred for decades. They were no longer a “poor” church and they had more resources than they realized.

By leading a congregational analysis (of your congregation’s history), together you and Glen can uncover healthy and unhealthy patterns in your church. Glen utilizes his training by Speed Leas, Peter Steinke, the Mennonite Peace Institute ( and Alban Institute ( to help your congregation understand the reasons behind these patterns. Glen  helps you brainstorm so good patterns are reinforced and bad ones are eliminated. Glen can show your congregation how to use its financial resources, volunteers and staff more efficiently.